domingo, 22 de mayo de 2016

David Igualada García 1ºB

We will run out of breathable oxygen?

The human being lives immersed in an air sea. Without him, the life would not be possible since it is a natural indispensable resource for the development of the life in the Earth. For it, no human being must not be absent this element, otherwise, the good development of the individual would meet affected.
According to the information of Keeling from 1989, the world is remaining without breathable air, and now it is at the edge of accelerating the pace in the one that is losing oxygen.
Due to the overpopulation of the human, animal beings and the deforestation, the oxygen in the air turning into a resource every time minor.
 The pollution has had a significant impact The first sign of depletion of oxygen takes place in the oceans.
The forest fires provide a measurement of the continuous depletion of oxygen of the Earth.

Some experts assure that the end will come rapidly. Certainly, not the whole life in the Earth would die completely. It is supposed that certain resistant mosses, mildews, bacteria and virus, as well as the more robust slugs of sea and the cockroaches, probably might support lack of oxygen.

Keeling curve

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