domingo, 22 de mayo de 2016

Why not just dispose of nuclear waste in the sun? Jesus Delgado Estebaranz 1B


In principle it would be a good idea , but it´s very risky , all 
companies and private companies have had trouble doing so because you need to 
invert too much money . In March 2011 the Satellite Glory was released and fell into
the Pacific Ocean , this cost 424 Million Dollars , this is an example , 
others have ended up burned in the atmosphere.
It would be also be very expensive carry too much weight into space every year .
European nuclear plants generate 550 cubic meters of radioactive waste : a 
volume that would fit 550.000 liters of water .
One Spanish citizen produces four grams of these atomic waste annually , by the mere 
fact of using the grid.
Technically more than clean , would try to move the problem everywhere , with possible  
dissasters side effects and a little chance of economic viability.
So it´s essential to stop thinking about the problem of global waste as a tactic and 
indifferent in dailylife problem , and start recycling , which would be a better idea 
to send the garbage to the sun or  space to get rid of waste they can be treated and reused.